Tuesday, May 28, 2024

All of Obi Wan's fights with Dooku.

This post will be a analysis of all fights Obi Wan Kenobi had against Count Dooku before ROTS and after AOTC, so ignoring their last & first duels. Though for the AOTC fight i will give praise Kenobi cause he deflected the lightning attack of dooku with a light sabre. But he clearly lost to dooku their he just got one brownie point (deflecting lightning).

It is worth studying the rivalry or multiple battles/conflicts dooku had with obi wan since too much attention is often given to his conflict's against anakin/yoda (by the fanbase).

Many people are under a misconception that dooku/kenobi only had 3 fights against eachother (oba diah, revenge of the sith & attack of the clones) but that is not actually true.

Video Game (10 months after Genosis).
Explanation - the fight was during the same time Anakin fought a dark acolyte named "Trenox" in the jedi temple, it is a part of a cutscene in "The New Droid Army". Its implied kenobi was defeated by dooku here but off screen. This was from the legends continuity.

Planet Hisseen:
"During the battle, Kenobi, Koon, and Skywalker dueled Count Dooku and his Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress after the Separatists took the Hisseenian parliament hostage."
Explanation; this line is not correct in my viewpoint because their was no panel or page in the comic itself where Plo Koo actually fought or even talked-to/met Dooku here.
Chronology - due to anakin's hairstyle changing this incident likely took place many months after Genosis, but it'd also be a unknown amount of weeks before the battle of christophsis, meaning before anakin receives ahsoka tano as a padawan. Though it is unlikely theirs a tiny chance this happened in a time where Anakin was a padawan.

Biggest issue is that the result of this fight was never shown it can be assumed everyone just went their own separate paths. Because this wookiepedia article/link (to the battle of Hisseen) states that the Republic won this battle i will assume that Dooku retreated cause i doubt he actually was defeated by this duo it would not make sense for him to be confident facing them later in the movie (ROTS) or maybe the clones helped the jedi win.
Possibly (highly unlikely) the less used character (Plo Koon) got his time to shine and joined the fight off screen, he can defeat asajj ventress (during this time) easily then dooku will be aloner against 3 council tier warriors so him running makes sense.
Comic Book (where adi gallia is zapped).
Explanation; After gallia was electrocuted (though she did recover fast) their fight was over, dooku did not cross blades with kenobi but he did injure his ally here, still it can be considered a conflict between the 2 characters as they had malice toward one another, so it was a violent meeting.
The video game (here mace windu was involved, kenobi actually appeared in the cut scenes this time).
"After a fierce assault, Obi-Wan and Windu found Count Dooku and eventually defeat him."
Note - as per the game cutscenes Dooku brought magna guard's to help him, but according to the wookiepedia link its clear that dooku was alone, so its a 2 vs 1 fight which is not fair.
Still if u count the magna guard's then it is a fact Dooku did not interfere during that round, the first round was a bunch of magna guard's vs obi wan/mace windu together, after they were taken down only then did Dooku interfere, so the real fight (round two) was basically dooku's only interference, it was a 2 vs 1 duel.

The following screenshot is from the Prima Guide Book of the Republic Hero's video game;
It is hard to read i get it but it does appear to describe details of the battle between them. It shows they had to use a technique of reversing Dooku's own power (lightning) to beat him. Basically even fighting together as a group they can only defeat Dooku by using his own power against him.

Conclusion - according to the prima guide dooku lost, but according the game cutscenes dooku was only unable to win cause the ground he was standing on fell, once that collapsed then the goal of all three combatants became (save ur own life) they tried escaping from the scenario altogether, only mace windu labelled it as a defeat for Dooku's character.
Naboo (when Obi Wan masquerades as 'Rako Hardeem');
In the fight itself neither person had the upper hand its just obi wan clashed blades with dooku then avoided him to move past for saving the chancellor instead or dealing with a magna guard. Of course dooku being stuck fighting another jedi can't run after Obi Wan here.

Oba Diah;
Explained; Clearly Obi Wan got punked here, he was in a 2 vs 1 scenario, even with anakin's help & the 2 years of battle-experience in the clone war still he could not injure or touch dooku once at all.
Son Of Dathomir.
Explanation; Obviously obi wan failed to protect his fellow comrade [a jedi master] and spent time sulking over her corpse, he let emotion's get the better of himself again while Dooku just walked away casually, it was a piece of cake for him, the closest both come to fighting is when obi wan's light saber is hit by dooku's force lightning.
Dark Disciple I;
In Dark Disciple they fought eachother twice, though it does not make much sense but its clear they did. The first fight was where anakin one shots Quinlan Vos by headbutting him, obi wan is frustrated (cause he felt like quinlan betrayed him & joined the darkside) but he fights dooku & kicked him either in the gut, stomach or shoulder and for some reason that's enough to get Dooku down. It is worth noting Dooku had just come out of a rough duel with Quinlan so he was not at his peak at all. I do not have a screenshot for this incident, so its just my word cause i do remember reading that novel 3 times.

Dark Disciple II (3 vs 1 after Asajj Ventress died):
I have a screenshot for this one, it began during the conclusion of chapter forty one but ended in the introduction of chapter forty two.
I have merged & edited both screenshot's of the fight to make it a joint image. But the issue is that the fight was not elaborated upon, no detail is given, how dooku escaped, how he fought a three vs 1 duel (this'd be more impressive than his battle against nightsisters and asajj combined).

Among these only one is from legends (New-Droid-army), all others are of the same continuity. They had 9 fight's against each other in the time skip. Most of the time dooku dominates, its clear he was the better fighter even if obi wan did defeat him in their first dark disciple duel/fight.
ROTS; for this one though i claimed i won't mention it the only reason i go back on my word & have decided to include it now is to address the BS claim made by some fans. That when obi wan began to apply soresu in their fight then dooku was not able to break through his wall (the barrier created by kenobi's light saber blade) cause each strike he made got parried so his makashi failed against obi wan's soresu technique that is why he had to rely on a force ability to defeat him instead.

Correction; Dooku would have been able to defeat him through pure dueling/light saber combat or unarmed techniques (kicks he used in other fight's) if kenobi had been alone but the obvious problem is that it was a two versus one fight, kenobi had anakin's help, dooku could not risk focusing too much on 1 individual when another dangerous partner is going to attack his blind side. So this does not prove that kenobi's soresu can protect him from makashi at all.
In the comic adaptation (canon or not) dooku basically one shots obi wan with a kick despite it being a two vs 1 scenario. Where was his overrated soresu form this time?

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