Wednesday, October 13, 2021

General Grievous's list of jedi kills.

All the murders that are credited to the name of Grievous.

Clearing things up to make them less complicated:
A list of quotes will be provided in the first section along with sources attributed to them. Any information from this blog can be used as a debating resource against other star wars enthusiasts.
The next section will have a complete list with the name of every jedi all slain by Grievous. With the exception of the 28 that were slain by the invisible hand.
1,2,3 & 4;
"Masona was swiftly decapitated by the droid general, who proceeded to then slay Corobb. A lull in the fighting allowed Utrila and Moudama to step back and appraise the situation briefly, before redoubling their attack on Grievous in unison. The droid general responded by using his in-built repulsorlifts to levitate off the ground and wield two more lightsabers with his feet. Grievous mutilated and felled Moudama quickly, leaving Utrila to battle the general by herself. She was able to strike at the general's droid body several times in the duel, and as such pressed her attack, hoping to remove one of Grievous's limbs. The droid general responded by stabbing Utrila in the heart, killing her instantly."
"Grievous was able to decapitate Masona, becoming the first casualty in the fight."
Nahdar Vebb.
In Clone War Season 1 (2008) Episode "Lair Of Grievous" no need for a source as everyone already knows its the tenth episode in the first season of the 2008 show.
The female jedi he killed on Genosis.
"Wielding her lightsaber against Grievous' electrostaff, Du fought valiantly but was overpowered and killed by the General. Collecting her lightsaber as a trophy, Grievous left her body where it laid, his existence remaining a secret from the Republic until he was ready to unleash his full might."
"Bridger himself perished in a duel with Grievous that lasted less than twenty seconds."
"Bridger attacked Grievous head-on, but the duel lasted only twenty seconds. Grievous' lightsabers cut through Bridger's staff and the Jedi Master's body, killing him instantly. Grievous, victorious, left Bridger's body."
8th) L'lacielo Sageon & Pablo-Jill:
"holding their own well enough for the General to acknowledge them both as somewhat worthy opponents ultimately the old Jedi was no match for the cyborg's skill and agility and was skewered upon one of Grievous' lightsabers alongside Pablo-Jill by a brutal twin stabbing strike. The Kaleesh collected Sageon's lightsaber as well as that of the slain Ongree Jedi as trophies"
"Pablo-Jill continued in his efforts to intercept Grievous's tri-wing shuttle, and eventually dueled with the cyborg aboard the Separatist flagship, Invisible Hand. Grievous proved too strong for the Ongree Jedi Knight, however, and killed him."
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
This time the source will be ROTS Novelization.
This screen shot mentions 4 different Jedi "Puroth" "K'Kruhk" "Jmmaar" "Nystammall" many people may be confused at mentioning of K'Kruhk because in the DarkHorse comics of the early 2000s it was revealed he survived and had a battle with Quinlan Vos after the Senator Viento was assassinated under suspicion of being the 2nd Sith.
Also the Legacy Era comics that include Darth Krayt's character also have K'Kruhk as a surviving Jedi. But this is all from a different continuity. The whole reasoning i have is that im using the novelization of Movies. This is film canon so it is more authentic than any comic book. Here is proof that whenever Grievous takes a sabre it is after killing the Jedi not just defeating him.
Being from the movie canon it appears to be a reliable source. Of course i added some highlights to make it easier to understand but this has clearly not been tampered with its in the 80th page of "Revenge OThe Sith". So its canon that Grievous slew KKruhk.

The Jedi's at Hypori (besides K'kruhk), but only the ones who really died. Ki-Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura did lose their fight to him but the problem is they did not die. The ones who died are "Sha'Gi" "Tarr Sierr" "Daakman Barrek". However theirs also a possibility that Daakman Barrek while having a message conversation with Obi-Wan Kenobi mentioned more Jedi Generals that were being killed by Grievous. He just didn't completely mention their name's. One of their names was "General Abarlong" thats the most interesting thing about this incident that their were many more jedi besides the six main ones that he defeated.
"After Grievous kills Master D'oon, Kybo goes to the Jedi Council with a plan to take the depraved general out immediately"
"D'oon engaged Grievous in a lightsaber duel. The cyborg general overwhelmed the Jedi Master and sliced him in half."
A Jedi Master named "B'dard Tone":
"Kybo and B'dard Tone battled Grievous with blazing lightsabers. Master Tone was killed"

"Zephata'ru'tor was killed by the cyborg General Grievous during a battle over the planet Nadiem in 21.6 BBY."
"Zephata'ru'tor was not as fortunate while attempting to stop Grievous from fleeing the planet, the cyborg general activated his starfighter's hyperdrive in Zephata'ru'tor's path, disintegrating him into nothing."
"Shortly afterwards, Grievous killed Zephata'ru'tor, and jumped into hyperspace, fleeing Nadiem"

Unknown unamed "dark jedi" that was in posession of a crystal:
"The lightsaber and crystal later came into the possession of a Dark Jedi murdered by Qymaen jai Sheelal, otherwise known as General Grievous, Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, either on Dica or Necropolis. Grievous stored the weapon aboard his personal starfighter"
Other quotes
[A]"Dica was a toxic wasteland of a planet where Qymaen jai Sheelal, better known as General Grievous, was believed to have murdered a Dark Jedi who carried Bane's Heart."
[B]"At some point, General Grievous may have fought and killed a Dark Jedi there."
"Either Lii or Kaa were apparently once again confronted by the General, and he was able to slay one of them. The General then took from the dead twin a double-bladed lightsaber that had been previously owned by Darth Zannah."

Hundreds of other Jedi whose names are mostly unknown or not mentioned, but as a collective they were referenced by a jedi in the year 21 BBY when a jedi mentioned the kill count Grievous has under his belt.
Shaak Ti was killed in the original script of ROTS by General Grievous himself. Now i consider this worth noting and mentioning as a testament to his power but i dont believe that its impressive as Shaak already lost to Grievous many time's its not a great feat. Also i do not need a source for this as most of the intelligent group of fans knows about it.

Would have killed Obi-Wan if it wasn't for plot armor that Obi had to live till "A New Hope" (ANH).

21st) "Soon Bayts" a older veteran jedi master.
"Before Bayts could even attack the general, Grievous grasped his head with one of his mechanical claws, and crushed it, killing the Jedi Master instantly."
Soon was also involved in the "Yinchorri Uprising" where he originally had a orange lightsaber:

22nd) It's mentioned that he killed other jedi on Genosis besides "ur sema du":
Source - "general grievous: unknown soldier/lord of war 2006"

23rd) A iron knight of the "Shard" species;
"Firkrann was trained by Jedi Master Aqinos without the approval of the Jedi Council. Like many other Iron Knights, Firkrann took a lightsaber crystal name as his own, reflecting both his connection to the Force and his crystalline body. He was destroyed in a duel with General Grievous in the fungi forests of Xagobah."
Ultimate list;
1. Roth Del Masona
2. Foul Moudama
3. Tarr Sierr
4. Rouronn Corobb
5. B'ink Utrila
6. Nahdar Vebb
7. Ur-Sema Du
8. Bridger
9. Sha'Gi
10. Daakman Barrek
11. L'lacielo Sageon
12. Pablo-Jill
13. Abarlong (one of the generals that Daakman mentioned in his Hypori mission)
14. K'Kruhk
15. T'chooka D'oon
16. Nystammall
17. B'dard Tone
18. Puroth
19. Soon Bayts
20. Adi Gallia
21. Flint Torul
22. Jmmaar
23. Zephata'ru'tor
24. A person who was once a Jedi but crossed over to the darksider and was killed by grievous to get a crystal.

Additional 27 unamed (one did have his name mentioned) jedis that were slain in a space battle had nothing to do with lightsabers though.
"Not long after their meeting, Torul was flying with 27 other Jedi when General Grievous attacked the evacuation convoy. Unleashing the firepower of his fully armed, modified Providence-class carrier/destroyer named Invisible Hand, Grievous vaporized all of the Jedi and many refugee ships."
Flint Torul is the only person whose name was revealed in the assault to this very day. All the other casualties were never named.

What a movie novel says about him.
The reason "Durge" has more kills:
Because Durge is over 2100 years old, he has been killing Jedi since before Darth Bane was before, before Palpatine was born, before the birth of yoda, during the new sith wars and the time (era of Jedi Lords) he was a killer. Its likely he killed more than even vader despite being an inferior fighter to Grievous and Vader still Durge will always have the higher kill rate.

Nearing it's end.
I dont count the Padawan named "Flynn Kybo" as he pretty much suicided, it did happen as a result of Grievous's power as the padawan knew Grievous was too strong to be beaten a different way. But still he wasnt directly killed by him (the Kaleesh warlord/droid general/tactical mastermind).

My opinion;
Despite being a grievous fan and liking his character i do not consider these jedi kills an impressive achievement, i do enjoy learning about them, researching, watching etc. But i am not impressed, i believe that his best achievements are his fights.
Grievous outmatched Mace Windu in lightsaber to lightsaber combat in Coruscant (19 BBY). Though he didnt kill Windu it is still a much better achievement in my eyes than killing these Jedi.

This is not about Grievous being stronger than anyone its about him being a warrior that gets his job done and gets rid of characters in a story.

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