Friday, October 15, 2021

Adi Gallia Respect thread.

A lesser known character and a female on top of that! The power of female warriors has rarely been
talked about & shown in starwars. I can prove Adi Gallia was a superior fighter compared to Darth Maul, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and many more.
Respect Adi Gallia, she is more powerful than at least half the council members, obi wan, darth maul, and many other people. Anakin probably did not surpass her before Revenge Of The Sith.

Combat feats;
1 - Cuts down 2 Magnagaurds at the battle of Boz Pity & did it without breaking a sweat, it also seemingly happened in less than a few seconds.
This shows how fast Adi Gallia is in beating enemies.
Especially with Grievous's movement speed here, since in ROTS he usally does 3 strikes per second in each arm (5 strikes per arm and second when he uses full power) it means Gallia could slay 2 magnagaurds within less than a seconds timespan.

More information on the opponents to make it look better.
The power of those 2 Magnagaurds. This will prove why Gallia's feat is incredible.
[lightspeed reflexes & superiority over Obi-Wan]
built just to combat & defeat any Jedi]
Disabled with a single leg yet still a threat to ROTS Obi-Wan]
could hit anakin heavily even skidding the chosen one, another gaurd was capable enough to kill Obi-Wan if it wasnt for the jedis ability to dodge near death situations]
LOGICMovie Novels are canon so this description is accurate. These above screenshots were all from the novelization of "Revenge Of The Sith".

Why Darth Maul's performance in "Son Of Dathomir" comics against these magnagaurds does not count:
Because these magnagaurds are adulterated, depowered and underpowered and weakened. These magnagaurds are from a different, later, retconned continuity where magnagaurds are padawan level so Darth Maul beating them means nothing. The ones he beat are weak compared to Adi Gallia's victims, especially since one was able to cause alot of trouble to anakin and obiwan in Revenge Of The Sith.

Last achievements of the Magnagaurd club.
in the battle of boz pity a pair just two were able to tackle Mace Windu and give him a tough time. Fending the jedi off long enough for Dooku to order Ventress's death, the other gaurds to get Grievous's body & for Dooku to order an escape.

Back to Adi Gallia.
2 - Collapsing a Citadel.
Source; Clone War Comic from a different continuity than the original "Multimedia Project"

3 - Defeating Aurra Sing
Impressive achievements of Aurra Sing:
holds her own against "Qui Gon&Obi Wan"
This was
before her 
prime as it happened pre-TPM and TCW.

More on this to compare it to Maul.
Here Qui-Gon was younger so Aurra had a tougher job than Maul in TPM, yet in TPM darth maul was overpowered and nearly bested many times by Qui Gon Jinn.
Qui-Gon knocked Darth Maul back, pushing him away at the world of Tatooine basically outmatching the Zabrak.
At Naboo Qui-Gon showed his power over Maul again even though hes even older now.
[based on the above image Darth Maul was running in fear after Quigon knocked Maul over]
The 3rd incident where Maul got punked by QuiGon came at naboo again;
Basically; darth maul fails to react in time, his reaction speed was low and Qui Gon speedblitzs the zabrak scrub fighter. The source of this is the phantom menace novel. Which is classified as movie canon.

Ranking the warriors;
1st - "Adi Gallia"
2nd - "Aurra Sing"
3rd - "Qui Gon"
4th - "Darth Maul" (weakest)
4th feat - Force shoved a beast/animal that possessed enough skill (or power) to render Obi Wan helpless.
nd this was in 20 BBY.

5th feat - Faring well against a depowered General Grievous coming from a different continuity in TCW.
Adi Gallia had 2 fights with Grievous, the first one was a surprise attack but she relatively had the edge on him even though Grievous was using multiple lightsabers and she had just 1.
The second one was a shorter duel, she got kicked but the fight wasnt over and Gallia rose back up holding out.
It must be noted that many super battle droids existed fighting to assist Grievous. Naturally the 2nd battle was unfair to Gallia.

Clarification; to prove this Grievous is still a powerful enemy i will list 2 of his achievements even though this Grievous that gallia fought is from a different continuity.
He did the things below.
While darth maul lost to Grievous as he asked his trooper to help him run away (after Maul got kicked back):
Analysis - Pay attention keenly to the right image where Grievous's left foot is shown he kicked Darth Maul away like a soccer ball.
More images
Points -
Grievous made Darth Maul bleed
the opposite never happens. Maul also asked his servants to take himself away to safety as hes weak compared to Grievous.
Source (for image) - "son of dathomir comic" (canon)
Other than that Obi-Wan kenobi in 19 BBY (very close to Revenge Of The Sith) was defeated by Grievous very easily:
Source - "Crystal Crisis Of Utapau" (another canon material).
Compare how Adi Gallia fared against this version of Grievous. Its clear as the sun that she is stronger than maul and obiwan.
Back to more achievements of Adi Gallia.

6th feat - Adi Gallia pulled up 3 heavy men (all fully grown, two clone's of jango fett, one original ObiWan).
7th feat - Beating commando droids in her mission to rescue master Eeth Koth.

8th feat - everything related to her physical speed, swiftness and time.
"He called on the Force to direct him, following the stir of air and heat that Adi had left in her pursuit."
Source - 'Jedi Apprentice: The Dangerous Rescue'
"Qui-Gon and Adi leaped in front of the smoldering table. Their lightsabers were a blur of light and movement."
Source - 'Secrets of the Jedi'
"Adi, Siri, and Obi-Wan stepped up the attack. They were a blur of movement now, moving together, covering one another and then reversing to deliver a furious attack on the droids."
Source - 'Jedi Apprentice: The Dangerous Rescue'

9th is deflecting blaster fire from blasters, pistols, guns etc. All blaster bolts have been deflected by her countless times o nseveral occasions throughout the war, and before the clone war's.

Meanwhile darth Maul couldnt save his leg from being torn by a blaster bolt of Hondo Ohnaka & his gang on Florrum.
10th; Adi Gallia could slow down time, and hamper others speed, decreasing their combat effectiveness as a result.
[Proof - Wookiepedia]
Overall; this lady is an amazing warrior, her combat speed exceeds what ninety nine percent of the jedi order was capable of during the clone war era. The physical strength Adi Gallia had was greater than most men, as she lifted 3 heavy individuals with low difficulty.
Put some respect on her name!

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All anti feat's of Mace Windu. A in-depth elaboration/analysis.

This right here is an updated list/version of a previous post. [ Link to it ] -