Sunday, March 12, 2023

Asajj Ventress is underrated & downplayed.

She beat another version of Grievous at Dathomir.
Throughout his life Grievous contended with Obi-Wan & often won against him.
"Clone War's Battle Tales 5"
That was just a unarmed Grievous. 
Other Feat's of This Grievous;
[overpowered obi wan kenobi on the battle of Kamino]
[Defeated Obi Wan Kenobi during a incident named "Crystal Crisis On Utapau" ccou]
[defeated darth maul in "son of dathomir"]
[Kicked Kenobi away during TCW season two Episode nine]
[dominated obi wan again during the incident on Kamino]
[defeated obi wan kenobi during another episode of TCW]
[Grievous nearly one-shotted Obi Wan]
The fact Grievous defeated Obi Wan Kenobi 5 to 7 time's (seven is maximum while five's minimum) but lost against Asajj should tell you whose the low man on the totem pole (maul who lost to Kenobi) while Asajj is on top.

1 - Asajj (toughest)
2 - Grievous/Obi Wan
3 - Darth Maul (weakest)
Mace Windu vs Asajj Ventress.
In their 1st duel she nearly beat him;
She had clashed with Jedi. Killed many. Faced Master Windu and come within a hairbreadth of defeating him. Faced Skywalker in battles they would both remember. Obi-Wan had escaped her hand twice, but would not again.
Reference - "Star Wars: The Cestus Deception"
Logic; she'd already exerted herself against Sian Jeisel, Rhad Tarn, K'kruhk and slaying Mira (another jedi). And she earlier engaged in a mock battle with Sora Bulq. If Asajj hadn't done so then she would've been at full power and could have beaten Windu. Also Asajj improved later on as this was only her third month of military service.

They had a 2nd encounter years later.
Source: a clone war's comic.
She appears to be a superior fighter when compared to Mace again;
Source - during a TCW related project prior to the entry of Savage Opress. Likely to occur either in 21 BBY or early 20 BBY (since the battle where Dooku betray's her happened in 20 BBY).
Screenshot from "The Cestus Deception".
She speed blitzed both anakin & mace;
She was able to force push both jedi back;
This achievement need's to be considered extremely relevant & is worthy of respect.
Her force powers.
1. Pyrokinesis
"Asajj Ventress used this power to make surrounding flames part and create a path she could pass by without any injury, then let them reunite as she prepared to fight Anakin Skywalker."
Image Proof
2. Force Grip
[best feat doing it on both jedi council tier member's]

3. Telekinesis
She force pushed more than 6 clones at once on Kamino, when it comes to master ki adi mundi he failed to do the same against the clones at Mygeeto.
She also manipulated the light saber hilt of Count Dooku once. A guy who barring Yoda/Sidious no one could beat.

4. Brute Strength.
[made Obi Wan bleed]
5. Dark Side Sith Spell;
"Asajj Ventress appeared to learned this ability, bringing up the corpses of Gungans to assist her against the Jedi in the Battle of Ohma-D'un."

She was clearly superior to Obi Wan during Cestus Deception too;
The reason she was defeated is cause Kit Fisto altered the situation for his partners favor to make them fight under water instead.
Asajj Ventress can be considered a better fighter than Mace Windu, Darth Maul, Anakin Skywalker etc. But inferior to Darth Sidious, Darth Tyranus (count dooku), Plo Koon, Yoda & Adi Gallia.

She also had force healing and a better variety of powers than Maul/Anakin ever did.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Count Dooku vs Anakin Skywalker.

Intro; This post will detail each time Anakin & Dooku were involved in a violent confrontation against eachother. It will ignore novels and any doppelganger of dooku (his clone's) fighting Anakin. Regarding video game footage i am excluding the TCW related Games but am including the one that's about the Dark Reaper.
AOTC (attack of the clone's):
1st - he blasted Anakin with lightning, essentially one shotting him. Then dooku fight's and embarasses obi wan.

2nd - he humbled anakin with swords, cutting his extra saber hilt and severing a limb, then force pushes him away.
Everybody already knows about the AOTC fight so no point in providing proof for this.
Clone Wars {multi-media project}:
3rd - on Raxus Prime Count Dooku clashed sabers with anakin (who was still a padawan learner) but a bounty hunter named Cydon Prax fired from a distance making anakin faint, after this anakin was in prison.
"Skywalker confronted the Count alone in a brief lightsaber duel until Prax rendered him unconscious with the stun setting on his heavy blaster pistol."

"Anakin spotted Count Dooku escaping in a Hardcell-class interstellar transport vehicle and followed him, but he was overpowered by Dooku and Cydon Prax, who incapacitated him."
(GMBM): GIF Made By Me.
TCW Series (television):
4th - the conflict on a world named "Tatooine" it had been shown in the film of 2008. Count Dooku was supposed to kill a baby hutt convince Jabba (The Boss Hutt) that his babies murderer is a Jedi from the Republic.

In the fight both duelists seemed evenly matched, though since (he isn't supposed to kill anakin) Lord Sidious appeared to hold him back (by ordering/monitoring Dooku's fights with Anakin) Dooku decided to not try his best in this fight at all.
Anakin was on the receiving end, unable to gain a single advantage, though dooku did outpower anakin here by utilizing force pushes only or telekinetically influencing sand, he did not use his dueling skill's to gain a advantage.
Anakin was able to kick dooku in the face, either due to a rage amp (he sensed his padawan in danger) while Dooku could have severed the leg of anakin with his saber he seemed to choose to not to do that.

Their's proof Dooku didn't take it seriously (he was laughing at the end of the duel). If his intentions were to win or kill then he would not find his situation humerous.
5th - the duel of Zygerria.
Anakin Skywalker used a weapon hes unfamiliar with [the electro whip] so Count Dooku while playing around not taking the fight serious was able to parry & avoid any attack of Anakin. He proceeds to disarm anakin then electrocute him with lightning barrage's.
6th - Episode 11 of tcw in dooku's vehicle anakin is following dooku while blocking his lightning attacks at the same time. This was after anakin got rescued [due to being captured off screen].
This didn't seem like a fight, it was a engagement of two fighters but Dooku knew he was not allowed to kill anakin & anakin gained no advantage over dooku so dooku just left.
7th (from the same episode) - Obi Wan with Anakin both got collapsed under a couple of rocks on the planet with a Gundark on it.
[Gif below]
Proof Dooku was responsible;

Anakin lifted off the rocks by using telekinesis;
Based on his facial expression he looked very tired, possibly sick (from fatigue) cause of his actions.
Overall this was a force battle, anakin/obiwan understood they were going after dooku yet they still either let their guard down or together were incapable of combatting him, they lost to his force powers easily.
8A (rako hardeen arc).
This one's their second fight on the same world (naboO). I split this one into two part's the first part is just anakin alone against dooku.
The next part involves Obi Wan on the ramp of the vehicle that Dooku is using, for a time both him and anakin fought against Dooku together.
Imagine if those knives were made of vibro content, then anakin would have lost a limb again, he was vulnerable to these force attacks of Dooku.

Yes it is true anakin did gain the upper hand for a small time period (5 second's) but ultimately it is dooku who gained victory over anakin in this fight. And he wouldve had the chancellor hostage if obi wan did not get in the way.
What does make Dooku look bad in my opinion here is that he ignored the stairs behind his feet, knowing that on uneven ground he could fall down, anakin took advantage of this miscalculation of Dooku.
8B (rako hardeen final).
This also unfortunately is divided but into three part's.
B.1 [point 1] before obi wan chimed in.
Ironically he was only in it for like 5 seconds;
B.2 [b point 2]
B.3 [b point 3]
Here too Dooku wins.
9th (Oba Diah):
This's divided into multiple part's but i would rather not place them in LETTERS or points. Instead just explain them as simple and quick as i can.

Anakin & Obi Wan together fought against Dooku alone for the majority of this fight, dooku was clearly dominating them both. Next the pyke syndicate interfered calling dooku the name "Tyranus" which clues Obi Wan to the fact that the clone army was built by dooku too.
After that the pyke leader is murdered by Dooku who runs away as his task has been completed, this is no defeat for dooku, then at the end for a couple more second's Anakin tried fighting dooku alone, but failed. It is fair to award Dooku this win.
Behind the Jedi their were basically 7 pyke gangster's.
Finale of Oba Diah:
As he achieved his mission, killed someone (pyke leader) caused multiple injuries to his 2 jedi enemies then left as when Sidious won't let him kill Anakin & Dooku himself has a soft corner for jinn's disciple (Obi Wan) their was no point for Dooku to stay their after.
[Dooku vs only Anakin]
Count Dooku did the classic "Hit & Run" tactic. If you look carefully in the second gif you can see Anakin was staggered/stunned in a vulnerable position, he was practically dizzy and unstable, unable to regain his composure/balance in this fight.
TCW (comics);
10th - Planet Hisseen
What occured?
Answer - Without any context being provided in this comic book 3 character's (Anakin, Dooku, Obi Wan) were involved in a physical fight/duel on the planet Hisseen. At first it was 2 on 1, basically a two versus one person fight. Dooku appeared to be winning as anakin was moved back, while after a few words were said to eachother the 4th character (Asajj Ventress) made a entry.

Time line: Due to Ahsoka not being mentioned & Asajj being involved this had to be before anakin gained a padawan.
[All above are image's]
11TH - An altered version of zygerria's arc had a different fight.
A minor synopsis of the fight.
Part a - Dooku was busy focusing his power in force choking the zygerrian queen.
Part b - Anakin came in attacking the Count with a force push on his back. He did this when dooku was off guard.
Part c - Whenever dooku tried to make a swing then Anakin alway's dodged. It is possible that dooku moved slower on purpose so that anakin could react, otherwise it would make no sense for him to not hold back when he know's that he isn't allowed by Sidious to kill him.

Anakin mostly did fight against asajj alone here with little interference from Dooku, but holding both of them back at the same time is impressive. Though clearly it was a inconclusive fight.
Anakin ran away cause of one reason mainly, he felt like he needed to protect and save the slaves in Kadavo.
I believe if the fight continued anakin would lose, because he is clearly inferior to Yoda who was barely equal to Dooku.
Dark Disciple;
12th (number is based on all occasion's so far).
Screenshot for their first duel.
[Image 1]
[Image 2]

Next time Anakin get's mentioned;
[Image 3]

This fight began in page 211, but after the 212th page the fight disappeared, it was off screened. But it is likely that the result was inconclusive/stalemate.
13th (finale/last match before the true ending) - happened on planet Christophsis.
Note - though it's not specifically mentioned, it is clear that this last one was dooku versus three jedi, he clearly lost as he needed to retreat.
It is mentioned that Dooku got helped from sidious this can be implied as dooku getting military aid, like droid's fighting clones, droid's that were sent on sidious's order.
Image Taken From (ITF) - Dark Disciple's 300th page.

Conclusion: Their's sufficient proof to suggest that all three jedi fought against Dooku together, the details are not mentioned but i assume dooku ran away cause he knew he would not win a 3 on 1 fight, especially in this condition (dooku was already wounded before the battle as he injured by his lightning that'd been reflected back toward's him by Quinlan's blade, in the incident where Asajj Ventress dies).

Last photo's:
The latest image is from page 297, its to provide the background behind the fighters involved. When Obi Wan said "we'll take him from here." He was referring to count Dooku. Kenobi also mentioned "we" indicating Anakin being present their. Also proving that Dooku was literally not at his full power once the fight came down to anakin/obiwan being involved again.
ROTS [Revenge Of The Sith].
Note - I am not including the novelization as it clearly differ's from the movie (higher canon). Neither did Dooku kick anakin's boot in the movie (he did in the Novel) nor did he have a conversation with Sidious prior to the fight, nor did he give a mention of the world "Tythe" during the movie (but in the "novel" he did).
The movie has no mention of Asajj/Durge (anakin mentioned them before Grievous died & after he was denied the rank of jedi master in the "noVeL" only). The movie does not have anakin start out in his fight (with Dooku) by using the reverse grip technique.
Another reason/point for why the novel does not mix well with the movie/is clearly a different continuity altogether from it;
In the 1st Palpatine duel, he kills master Agen first in the movie, but in the novel the earliest master to die was Saesee not Agen (he's the 2nd). Clearly not the same storyline/continuity.
With dat out of dee way now it's time for THE FINAL FIGHT.
Their are 2 round's.
1st (kenobi & anakin together);
Dooku was doing much better here but never used his full strength on Anakin (no force pushes or lightning or even choke/grip). He only ever utilized a force skill/attack against Kenobi not Skywalker.
[Both time's dooku was fighting both Jedi together at once.]

If anakin were truly capable of beating dooku by himself he should not have struggled this much when it was two versus one. Anakin was having such a hard time despite having a capable partner that hes used to working with (kenobi & him were together for 13 year's), they knew eachother like the back of their hand's working like a well oiled machine, still they failed.
2nd (anakin alone);
This is when Dooku was suffering from a drainage (he expended a portion of his force power twice by taking down obi wan) and he himself started to not take the battle seriously, he started holding back. It can be seen that he was looking to convert anakin to the darkside which is why he taunted anakin.

Though anakin dominated him when he was alone the fact is Dooku was not at full power anymore and instead of trying to kill anakin instead dooku chose to taunt him to convert him to the dark side.
How could the anakin fans not get the message/clue to how dooku clearly held back? Even with his words ("you have hate you have anger but you dont use them") he was trying to convert anakin to the darkside.
The claim anakin tards make "Palpatine told Grievous he would have a new apprentice younger/more powerful" yes it's true Palpatine said that, but end of the day his word is not believable. Because it's a fact that Palpatine has lied to many people casually.
Put it this way Palpatine as Sidious needed to cheer Grievous up and convince him that the Separatist army could win & the Jedi/Republic can still be defeated in this war. So he made him believe that a guy stronger than his boss would be assuming command over the separatist council. Through this Palpatine would be giving Grievous a sense of security and faith, he'd lower any chance of Grievous leaving Utapau, or going into hiding or abandoning the side of the Sith. Also Palpatine believed that Anakin would eventually become more powerful than himself & Yoda too.
This literally mean's he claims Dooku as inferior to Anakin because he knows about Anakin's potential/midi chlorian count being higher than all of their's (the top 3 "Sidious/Palpatine" "Tyranus/Dooku" & "Yoda").
The quote of Sidious can be interpreted as many different things, but it is quite clear that Anakin did not surpass Dooku, equal Dooku or fairly defeat Darth Tyranus. Every star wars fan knows that Anakin failed to live upto his full potential.
Note - I didn't include the first duel of Naboo, because Dooku cheated over their, he had over 4 magna guard's to assist him, its not fair.
ENDING/Conclusion; They had 13 fights entirely (2 are force based).
1 - Genosis (aotc).
2 - Raxus Prime (cydon prax's involvement).
3 - Battle Of Hisseen.
4 - Naboo (I).
5 - Tatooine.
6 - Episode 11.
7 - Episode 11 again.
8 - Zygerria (either comic or tv show).
9 -Naboo (II).
10 - Oba Diah.
11 - Dark Disciple (when it was Anakin Skwalker alone).
12 - Dark Disciple (at a world named Christophsis).
13 - ROTS (revenge of the sith) on IH (Invisible Hand).

NOTE - Both fight's in episode 11 were force based. And "rako hardeen fight" means "Naboo (II)". if "8b" is counted as a seperate fight the list would then make another one (14 fights).
Anyway's I would like people to stop pretending like Anakin was tougher than Dooku. All the facts go against it, all their duels were analyzed here, the only one not posted was a fight where Dooku won over anakin again (1st naboo encounter). So just stop overrating Anakin.

Aurra Sing Respect Thread

1st feat ( Outdueled Qui Gon Jinn & Obi Wan Kenobi together at once); Think about how m...