Sunday, March 12, 2023

Asajj Ventress is underrated & downplayed.

She beat another version of Grievous at Dathomir.
Throughout his life Grievous contended with Obi-Wan & often won against him.
"Clone War's Battle Tales 5"
That was just a unarmed Grievous. 
Other Feat's of This Grievous;
[overpowered obi wan kenobi on the battle of Kamino]
[Defeated Obi Wan Kenobi during a incident named "Crystal Crisis On Utapau" ccou]
[defeated darth maul in "son of dathomir"]
[Kicked Kenobi away during TCW season two Episode nine]
[dominated obi wan again during the incident on Kamino]
[defeated obi wan kenobi during another episode of TCW]
[Grievous nearly one-shotted Obi Wan]
The fact Grievous defeated Obi Wan Kenobi 5 to 7 time's (seven is maximum while five's minimum) but lost against Asajj should tell you whose the low man on the totem pole (maul who lost to Kenobi) while Asajj is on top.

1 - Asajj (toughest)
2 - Grievous/Obi Wan
3 - Darth Maul (weakest)
Mace Windu vs Asajj Ventress.
In their 1st duel she nearly beat him;
She had clashed with Jedi. Killed many. Faced Master Windu and come within a hairbreadth of defeating him. Faced Skywalker in battles they would both remember. Obi-Wan had escaped her hand twice, but would not again.
Reference - "Star Wars: The Cestus Deception"
Logic; she'd already exerted herself against Sian Jeisel, Rhad Tarn, K'kruhk and slaying Mira (another jedi). And she earlier engaged in a mock battle with Sora Bulq. If Asajj hadn't done so then she would've been at full power and could have beaten Windu. Also Asajj improved later on as this was only her third month of military service.

They had a 2nd encounter years later.
Source: a clone war's comic.
She appears to be a superior fighter when compared to Mace again;
Source - during a TCW related project prior to the entry of Savage Opress. Likely to occur either in 21 BBY or early 20 BBY (since the battle where Dooku betray's her happened in 20 BBY).
Screenshot from "The Cestus Deception".
She speed blitzed both anakin & mace;
She was able to force push both jedi back;
This achievement need's to be considered extremely relevant & is worthy of respect.
Her force powers.
1. Pyrokinesis
"Asajj Ventress used this power to make surrounding flames part and create a path she could pass by without any injury, then let them reunite as she prepared to fight Anakin Skywalker."
Image Proof
2. Force Grip
[best feat doing it on both jedi council tier member's]

3. Telekinesis
She force pushed more than 6 clones at once on Kamino, when it comes to master ki adi mundi he failed to do the same against the clones at Mygeeto.
She also manipulated the light saber hilt of Count Dooku once. A guy who barring Yoda/Sidious no one could beat.

4. Brute Strength.
[made Obi Wan bleed]
5. Dark Side Sith Spell;
"Asajj Ventress appeared to learned this ability, bringing up the corpses of Gungans to assist her against the Jedi in the Battle of Ohma-D'un."

She was clearly superior to Obi Wan during Cestus Deception too;
The reason she was defeated is cause Kit Fisto altered the situation for his partners favor to make them fight under water instead.
Asajj Ventress can be considered a better fighter than Mace Windu, Darth Maul, Anakin Skywalker etc. But inferior to Darth Sidious, Darth Tyranus (count dooku), Plo Koon, Yoda & Adi Gallia.

She also had force healing and a better variety of powers than Maul/Anakin ever did.

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