Think about how much aurra would have improved 2 decades after this? She could be as tough as one of the top four jedi warrior's in the high council.
Logic - she was clearly born at 51 BBY, so she could not be older than the age of 19 here, cause this incident happened before the year 32 BBY.
2nd feat (murdered jedi master Peerce);
"Splitting up, Peerce was attacked by the bounty hunter and received a slash across the chest, spilling his insides out."
3rd feat (a group of shape shifting mercenary's died at her hand's):
"In the year 27 BBY, a group of Shi'ido mercenaries working for the former Jedi Knight Reess Kairn confronted the bounty hunter Aurra Sing, but all were killed by her."
4th feat (killed at least three impersonators of Reess Kairn)
"After Sing had traveled to Bespin, Hoth, and Tatooine and killed each impersonator, she realized that she had been deceived and returned to Endor."
5th feat (killed a former jedi knight turned into a dark jedi):
"Sing appeared in Kairn's hut and fired a fatal shot into the back of Kairn's head."
6th feat;
Comment - this's evidence for Aurra being labelled "scourge of the Jedi" and it was in a CWA comic from the multi media project of the legends version/classic variant of Clone Wars. But people like darth maul were never labelled this.
Darth Vader is highly praised by people and star wars fans, yet he was only able to terrorize the jedi order when it had already been extinct by the clone officer's of order sixty six when most of the order had been extinct. But Aurra Sing was able to terrorize and murder them when their were still thousands of jedi before any purge had occurred.
Unknown amount of jedi victim's [the jedi killed by Aurra];
"In 30 BBY, now as a bounty hunter, Aurra Sing returned having slaughtered multiple Jedi."
7th feat - J'Mikel is another jedi she killed. he used a purple light saber.
8th feat -
She killed a female jedi knight who had the abilities required to send a distress signal/call to the Order.
Aurra killed him.
Accolade given to Sharad.
Note: Here a reliable source claimed that Sharad Hett was the most dedicated jedi knight of that era/time period meaning he was better than other knights of his generation (echuu shen jon & rahm kota).
Aurra mentioned that she hunted Jedi earlier (before the clone war started):
Logic; The identities of her other victims are not shown (besides those that made an appearance in SW related material).
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