Monday, April 10, 2023

JK (jedi killer) droid, feat's and achievements.

Dismembering the limb of a jedi master:
"Master For'deschel was attacked by a Jedi Killer droid, losing an arm to the mechanical menace. Replacing her arm with a prosthetic."
[Other quotE]
"He even sent out a prototype to attack Jedi Master Devan For'deschel, who lost an arm to the droid."
[another enDing]
Comment - even anakin was not elevated to the lvl of a Master. Also garth ezzar (a powerful sith lord) was injured by the victim here "Devan For'deschel".
Proof/Screenshot's from The Cestus Deception.
Point's and elaboration.
1 - The attack moves of the JK droid's could not be dodged or predicted.
2 - The JK droid only get's exhausted after fighting close to a century or more enemies. But even after that exhaustion it still will not yield or stop trying to achieve it's goal.
3 - The JK's appeared to not have weaknesses.
4 - In page 281 the droid got an accolade but no combat feat.

5 - JK Droids can tell if they are being tricked or led astray, one also had the power to paralyze Obi Wan's diaphragm muscle.
6 - The droid tore skin from Obi Wan Kenobi.
7 - Just a light saber was not enough, obi wan required multiple other weapon's (that he normally would not have access to) for beating off the JK droid.

8 - It is too quick for humans (without force knowledge) to gauge.
9 - Obi Wan admitted to being wounded by one.
10 - They were experts in camouflage and even got rid of Kenobi's mullet hairstyle.
Keep in mind that the JK were a threat to the same Obi Wan Kenobi that was all of this;
1) He overpowered & defeated darth maul during TPM.
2) Ten to eleven year's after TPM he clearly improved to a massive degree leaving maul & qui gon to the way side behind.
3) Fought better against Vianna D Pow than Mace Windu did.
4Anakin in AOTC believed obi wan to be "as wise as Yoda & as powerful as master Windu". Though this line can't be taken as a fact as it's a clear exaggeration it should still give you an idea of just how high kenobi was when it comes to the jedi hierarchy.
He was clearly top ten-fifteen material during the time.
5Defeated Durge in the battle of muunilist twice (the same guy who has been alive for thousand's of years & even proved to be a match for the united jedi master pair of Kit Fisto and Plo Koon).
6) Despite being a victim of "drain knowledge" (a darkside force ability) & torture by genosians Obi Wan was able to enter the Petranaki Arena enduring all the battle droid's he survived (dooku utilized drain knowledge against him).
7) Obi Wan killed Granta Omega (on planet Korriban) despite being hampered by haunted ghost's of dark sithlord's.
8) Outperformed Coleman Trebor and even "Mace Windu" against Jango Fett.
9) Obi Wan had become an expert at Force Heal.
THIS IS ALL BEFORE "The Cestus Deception"

In the same novel this's whats mentioned by Asajj;

I feel like this droid would be able to kill Darth Maul fairly.

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