Saturday, November 12, 2022

Anti Feat's of the nameless Pharaoh (part 1).

Basically - Why Atem is a amateur at duel monsters and other game's.
1) In his duel with Pegasus J Crawford he attacked his monster knowing it was a trap. Deliberately Atem did a risky mistake.
From Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Episode 38
2) his mistake against Pandora the conjurer.
[Proof in the photo/screenshot/imagE]
Explanation - he tributed Legion The Fiend Jester (atk 1,300) & Magnet Warrior Alpha (atk 1,400) their total combined ATK was 2700 (two hundred points higher than Black Magician's). If he attacked Pandora with both of them directly he could've brought him down to 1300 LP fast, but instead he opted for a tribute summon that does less damage.
Such poor business planning, what sort of king is Atem? He was a noob, a weenie, a push over, inferior to Rex Raptor.
3rd anti feat:
Explanation Destroying his own "magical hat's" (spell card) in the duel with Pandora if he used "de spell/magic removal" on "thousand knives" (card of pandora) instead he would've benefited greatly as magical hats would still remain active on the field.
4th Anti Feat.
During the death T arc he knew that Mokuba was feeding poison food to Jonouchi yet still Atem also ate poisonous food.
Source - Chapter 26 of the Manga.
5th anti feat.
Atem attack's brainlessly (knowing their are traps on his enemy's field).
This's from his duel with "Masumi Momono" in Yu-Gi-Oh! R Manga (it's canonicity is up for debate though.) After all that experience & training he still made stupid choices.
6th Anti Feat.
Atem doesnt do something as basic and simple as reading the fine print of a trap card after that trap card has been activated already. He also fell for Mai's predictable Mirror Wall technique.

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