Saturday, November 12, 2022

Count Dooku the most underrated fighter of Star Wars.

Intro - i will be making at least 2 post's concerning Dooku's power. Because he has many achievement's and lived the longest life among all villains of Star Wars (excluding Palpatine).
Firstly people consider him inferior to Darth Maul, in my opinion that is pure BS. And one more incorrect rumor that has been spread is that dooku lacked physical strength or "is weak to power attacks" which i also believe is not true.
First part.
Combat feats.
Fought Yoda 6 times.
1st (as a old aging Jedi);
2nd is at Genosis;
Note - he rendered Yoda to exhaustion & the aftermath is Yoda only had enough energy to place himself in a stance where he is inactive while Dooku had the stamina to reach a spacepod and journey to the capital of the Core World's (coruscant). This was also after Dooku exerted himself by taking down Obi Wan Kenobi one time and Anakin Skywalker two times.

3rd (unknown incident):
4th [young master Dooku]
5th (on Vjun);
Source - 'Dark Rendezvous'

5th incident;
[Image I]
[image II]
He actually blasted Yoda with lightning, while Palpatine failed..

Making the opponent of Dooku look good.
Yoda defeated 3 council master's.
"And he had given a demonstration. Three members of the council-Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin, and Depa Bil-laba, excellent fighters all-had come forward and at-tacked him. Master Yoda had not been armed, and had not seemed to move more than a meter or so, his tread slow and measured. Nevertheless, none of the three had been able to lay a finger on him."
Note; that these 3 characters were all tough, Saesee was better at doing force pushes than Mace Windu, Depa Billaba gave Windu very tough competition in the novel 'Shatterpoint' and Plo defeated Asajj Ventress & had Electric Judgement. The same asajj nearly bested Mace Windu in a fight.

Basically Dooku made a guy like that exhausted.
This pretty much confirms that Dooku was better as a fighter than Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin, Asajj Ventress & Depa Billaba.
2nd achievement- Dooku was tougher than Mother Talzin.
Sidious's word;
Comment: Sidious believed the Count would have provided a bigger challenge to him than Talzin did.
3rd achievement - Count one shotted a jedi council master (Adi Gallia).
4th achievement;
Dooku as a jedi master had prevented many of the plan's that the unknown sith lord Tenebrous attempted from becoming a success.
Source; "darth plaguies" (novel) page 210.
5th Achievement;
Dooku's battle at Oba Diah.
He had hundred's of other achievements.
Their has been a misconception that Dooku was not able to put any kinetic force or power behind his attacks. So i will have to debunk it.
Here he disarmed a swordmaster ("Sora Bulq") on the planet Bakura;
Note: Dooku achieved this while having to deal with master Tholme at the same time. Also Bulq has fought Mace Windu and Quinlan Vos at other occasion's. Neither of them could achieve a feat of disarming him.

On this panel he used power attacks rather than fencing moves or precision to beat master Tholme;
Note: he was able to do it after tholme made an accusation of Dooku being tired now.

3] Over here he did a strength based move which felled a weapon held by Grievous.
Note: this 20 seconds before he tells grievous "you're holding the saber too tightly.. now too lightly"
The count disarmed Anakin at planet Zygerria;
Note: this was after anakin had two years of experience on the frontlines of galactic war. Also after Anakin had beaten Asajj Ventress (who outdueled Mace Windu three times) and performed a impressive achievement on Mortis.
5] Against Savage Opress (after the death of Knox & Halsey).
6] Fight during the DarkHorseComic Era.
In the battle of Boz Pity he used powerbrute strength in his light sabre attack to push Windu back prior to any magnaguard's arrival. Those guards came after then they tackled windu to the floor, but before that windu was pushed a meter's distance back by dooku's physical might.
Source; "star wars obsession" (20 BBY).

7. The Count generated power in his light saber attack again.
[from TCW Season 4]
You can clearly see their was no force push involved here.

Twice more he did it against Asajj Ventress.
9. In "Revenge OThe SithROTS the strongest version of Anakin was on the backfoot due to a power attack done by Dooku when he was attacking from the back.
10. Season six of TCW Anakin Skywalker is pushed back by dooku's one handed swing attack on the world named Oba Diah.
Check how long anakin took to regain footing.
Dooku's lightning is underrated.
1 I have already posted a scan of it harming Yoda's skin.
2 Here is a scan of it hurting darth maul very well.
                            Point; Maul didn't yell in pain when he fought obi wan but he yells only if he is confronted by sidious, dooku etc.
3 - Here is what happened to AOTC Anakin (who was superior to TPM Maul and Qui Gon).
Then TCW Season 4 anakin:
4 - What it does to Sora Bulq.
5 - He one shotted a council member named "Adi Gallia" using lightning in a incident involving obi wan kenobi. It's been stated/mentioned and proof has been given (all in this post itself).

6 - The battle between Dooku/Sidious against Maul/Talzin turned in the favor of Sidious once Dooku arrived to help his ally.
Note; A nerfed, injured, tired, half-dead and almost entirely drained Count Dooku was able to defeat Maul here.
Before AOTC on the world of Korriban, this occurred.
"Auben tried to sneak aboard a ship docked in the hangar to steal several valuable items she had intended to collect earlier. When she was discovered by the Sith Lord in the hangar, he stopped her heart, instantly killing her."
Note - the "Sith lord" referred to in that quote here is Dooku not Sidious. He's capable of stopping heart's, literally.
Sith Magic Art's he knew.

Energy trap's:
"In 23 BBY, Darth Tyranus employed dark energy traps against the Jedi Order coalition team sent to Korriban to track down galactic criminals Granta Omega and Jenna Zan Arbor. As the eight-member Jedi team entered the Valley of the Dark Lords, assaulting them on all sides were waves of darkness, the oppressive effects of which required great effort to wade through and overcome. Entering the Valley's ancient mausoleums, the Jedi were simultaneously assaulted by dark-wave whispers and corpse visions amidst the tombs of the Sith Lords. The traps were set by the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus in an effort to fend off the Jedi intrusion into the Valley, where he planned to rendezvous with Omega and Zan Arbor."

Wave's of darkness:
"Darth Tyranus, in alliance with Korriban's dead Dark Lords, employed waves of dark energy against the Jedi Order coalition team sent to Korriban to track down galactic criminals Granta Omega and Jenna Zan Arbor. In the spaceport of Dreshdae, Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, felt waves of darkness wash over and oppress them, followed by fleeting dark-side apparitions. Deep within the Great Temple's long-abandoned Sith Academy, Kenobi experienced a darkness so thick and foreboding in its power that it seemed to invade his lungs, making it difficult to breathe. The Jedi were afterwards assaulted by dark-wave whispers, corpse visions, and dark energy traps amidst the tombs of the Sith Lords when they entered the Valley's ancient mausoleums."
He could conduct corpse vision's to mess with a person's mind.

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