Friday, December 23, 2022

Dragon Ball Z character's are very weak.

Gohan from the trunk's saga (landing mecha freeza/king cold) was bleeding from the whip of a normal human. That human was inferior in power to the farmer that Raditz killed.
Conclusion - either dbz characters got weaker from the saiyan saga or they were never stronger than average human beings to begin with.
Vegeta the proud saiyan prince is often hyped up by dbz fan's to be a planet buster, either due to the episode where he made planet arlia explode or due to the claim that his galick gun can blow Earth up. But the truth is quite different.
Here a angry frustrated Vegeta couldn't even harm a ordinary table slightly. These table's would be built by Mike Barnes (from Cobra kai). I bet he was stronger than or equal to Vegeta.
Krillin is considered the strongest human (cause tenshinhan is not a human & muten roshi was too horny for females).
He also cut the planet destroyer's tail (freeza) yet he is unable to properly hold onto a couple of christmas boxes and present's (items that a fat kid in pre school would easily handle).
This's son goku's durability and destructive capability after fighting a moon buster like Roshi.
Source - Dragon Ball Episode 67 (subbed).
Imagine if a Naruto character used a jutsu to hide inside that ceiling?
Krillin is considered weaker than Upa.
Clarification - upa is a mere village boy who appears to be of native american descent, without any real training he was tougher than this martial artist and experience semi finalist character who at one point rivaled son gaykus power.
Source; Dragon Ball Episode 70.
Piccolo after the freeza saga lacked the reaction speed that could've helped him dodge a seat belt.
Son Gohan had very bad stamina, he would tire out after flying for a couple of minute's.
Whatever happened in GT,
Explaining it
to u all - Pan basically was in base form, kid goku in GT is believed to be equal to kid buu, yet he was nearly crushed or his grand daughter above his body was too heavy for his back/deltoids to handle.

It was from the fifth episode of the anime.
[9] Goku being exhausted so easily.
Note: in his base mode Goku was able to slay Super Jinzoningen #17 and Vegeta believed that base goku was even stronger than himself in base form.
Source - this's clearly from the 54th episode of GT.
[10] If somebody opens up a DOOR then this's what happens to Son Goku;
Source: Gt Episode 54 (Subbed).
After all that education, training, experience, powers, achievements did goku get weaker? Or did he just hold back? The only explanation is that he was never tough to begin with..

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