Monday, December 19, 2022

Anti Feat's of Atem (part 2).

BTW; to those of you who don't know the identity of Atem he is basically Yami Yugi or the nameless pharaoh/spirit of the Millennium Pendant/puzzle.

Continuation from (the former post) -
1st - He could not even get a monster card strong enough to beat one with 1500 ATK point's (Wyvern Warrior).
From - DM Episode's in battle city preliminaries.
He was peeing himself when he saw one god card (Osiris) whose atk power at the time was only 2/3 thousand point's.
[such a light weight]
Osiris is also the weakest god card as it's atk/def is determined by the number of card's in a duelists hand, it has no potential for infinite atk (Obelisk) or being able to destroy anything (RA) regardless of the point difference.
His host body (Yugi Mutou) did defeat Atem but still loses to Malik/Jonouchi.
[the GIF is proof]
More anti feats.
[4th] If Lumis attacked magnet Warrior alphA.
Another incident in the double duel where Gadget Soldier (manga) protected Atem from the ghoul's. In the anime its battle ox instead.
Ventriloquist Of The Dead;
Poor decision making, like he decided to challenge Noah to duel him in the Virtual World Arc of the second series/anime. The reason being the handicaps he accepted (having 400 LP left while Noah started off with over seven thousand).

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