Friday, December 23, 2022

What Grievous did on planet Hypori is underestimated.

Proving his achievement on Hypori was impressive. I will do this by showing achievement's, accolades & feat's of five of his opponents (the other 2 were Shaagi & Daakman Barrek who find zero mention outside of Hypori excluding a line from Count Dooku in Labyrinth OEvil).
Their are also various other jedi on hypori whose names were not clearly mentioned they died outside of the ruin's of that spacecraft/vehicle (where the final showdown happened). So those guys barely even have an identity thus no point in mentioning their feats when they're non existent.
Their are at least a few star war's fans, enthusiasts & debater's on the internet who believe that Grievous's achievement on Hypori could be done by others too. I believe that apart from (Darth Sidious, Count Dooku & Yoda) no one could have done this, not even darth vader/mace-windu.
Theirs also one person named (banethesithari) who role plays as darth bane but at the same time has been debating on the internet since maybe 2013 (at least 2,014) he claims that Grievous was always as powerful (or as weak/average) as he was in the TCW (2008 show) even going as far as to say that Grievous in 2003 is equal in power/combat skill/destructive capability etc. Which i consider to be BS.
Tarr Seirr was a master level duelist;
"Seirr was an accomplished swordsman, his skill with a blade rivaling many Jedi Masters.[1] Favoring Form 4, Ataru, Seirr proved to be an adept duelist"
Aayla Secura Feat's;
[her image]
Aayla convincingly defeated a prime bloodlusted Aurra Sing;
"Aayla left to go look for it, but met Aurra Sing. Aurra used the two trapped Jedi masters as a trick to distract Aayla, but Secura defeated the former and sent her to prison on Oovo IV."
Proving that aurra sing was not a pushover she was a better fighter than Darth Maul.
Aurra fought against obi-wan/qui-gon together at once.
"Prior to the Invasion of Naboo, Sing used it to kill Jedi Knight Mana Veridi on the planet Kwannot and later wielded it in combat against Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi."
She didn't have a double bladed weapon, she also was not as experienced as she'd be later in the clone war. Meaning she'd be even more powerful 11 to 14 years after that.
Aurra had killed many jedi in her career as a huntress
Aurra was trained in a variety of combat art's;
"Torgo was a teacher of the assassins' arts on his homeworld of Anzat. Among those he trained was Aurra Sing."
Other aayla achievements.
Tutaminis against blaster bolt Technology;
Source of image is "Republic Issue 68 Armor" (DarkHorseComic's).

Aayla killed the beast on planet Endor.
"Aayla Secura killed it by causing the cave's stalactites to fall on it. As a result, she was worshiped by the native Ewoks."

Aayla Secura fought on par in one vs one combat with Asajj Ventress (this's after the mission at Ruul, after the battle at Yavin IV/Muunilist & shortly after Aayla's loss to Grievous on Hypori);
Name of content - "Star Wars Adventures #12 Tales of Villainy Give & Take"
"The research facility, staffed by Geonosians, was used for the top-secret Death Star project until it was located and infiltrated by Jedi General Aayla Secura and her astromech droid QT-KT. The Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress prevented Secura from obtaining data on the project, and the facility was destroyed as a result of the duel between the two."
Note: even after the battle at Ruul, Asajj Ventress had fought Mace Windu twice (in non legend's material) so Aayla's performance proves that she is at least council LVL/Tier as a fighter. 
Works well in team's she beat Asajj Ventress in a 2 vs 1 fight;
"Soon, it was also revealed that the Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress had already visited the crash site and set the remains of the frigate to self-destruct. Unduli and Secura ordered the clone troopers to safety and then briefly dueled Ventress. The two Jedi trapped the Dark Jedi under the bulk of ice before leaving the crash site and reporting to the Jedi High Council."

Other quote.
"On their way to what remained of the frigate's central computer, the Jedi were ambushed by the Dathomirian assassin. After a brief duel, two Jedi Masters have overpowered the Dark Acolyte, trapping her under the bulk of ice. After finding the ship's computer, the Republic forces were able to uncover the record of the ship's last moments, learning about the existence of the gravitic weapon."
[killed five droid's while deflecting blaster fire from both sides in a circular motion]
[competed with running speed of yoda after jumping from the Zillo Beast]

DEFEATING AAYLA SECURA (based on the circumstances) is more impressive than anything darth maul has done.
Before you bring up SOD (son of dathomir) then ignoring maul's only feat (fighting mace/aayla combined) he had no impressive achievement.
Shaak Ti was yet another jedi who was a tough fighter. It is true that often times get's overrated like maul does by his maul tard fanbase but Shaak Ti was not a pushover. She failed more often than not though accepted.
She had power's like Plant Surge, Kinetite, Tutaminis.

Her best achievement would be fighting 9 Magna Guard's all together at once, combating their combined strength yet not yielding to them;
[Image for the number]
[gif based on several pictures]
Respecting these magna guard's.
[1 - a pair of them tackled mace windu]
[2 they're designed to just fight Jedi's no other opponent]
[3 they nearly defeated anakin/obi-wan fairly]
[4 standing on one leg a guard is able to fight with a jedi high councilor, even kicking him in the face]
[5 they had reaction speed that was almost as quick as the speed of LIGHT]
All of this clearly shows that beating a magna guard alone is impressive.
Fighting 9 of them at once together however is nearly god like.
Using Kinetite;
Overall even without her Nexus on Felucia she was powerful (based on her combat feats in the clone war galactiC conflict).
K'kruhk also had master level competence;
He thrashed Quinlan Vos on Coruscant who barely managed to save himself due to Telekinesis after the murder of Senator Viento.
Source; This's a well known incident i do not need to provide a reference or screen shot for it, most legends fans who read the Dark Horse Comic's about CW (Multi Media Project) already know.
He force pushed away multiple Yinchorri fighter's (the same species whose immune to the force).
[Screenshot is proof]
He even brought down a space-ship;
The source for the image is unknown to me i do not have a idea about which incident this was from but the important thing is that K'kruhk was unable to do anything similar to Grievous. Even though Kkruhk was flanked/helped by multiple jedi he couldn't do squat against Grievous with his force powers.
Year's later during the legacy era K'kruhk was in old age past his prime, yet he fought with many sith of the "One Sith" order that was led by Darth Krayt. His result/conclusion when it comes to that fight (he was trying to protect someone called "The Emperor") is unknown to me, i do not know how the fight between him and those sith ended.
He survived Order 66 when Plo Koon, Barriss Offee and others failed in doing the same.
No need for a quote/source because most legends fan's already know. And it only happened 32 months after Hypori so the K'kruhk at Hypori can't be much different from the one in ROTS (don't act like u dont know what ROTS mean's).
K'kruhk was a master healer too not just warrior as he healed Cade Skywalker and Chase Piru. While Anakin/ObiWan could not heal anyone.
[Healing Piru]
[Healing the youngest Skywalker]
Yet K'kruhk also was beaten by Grievous during Hypori. Despite having many advantages.
K'kruhk is better than Darth Maul and possibly equal to an Obi Wan Kenobi (after a couple of months of AOTC) but inferior to prime Obi Wan (the one in ROTS).
Ki Adi Mundi was exceptionally powerful. He held his own against Micro series Asajj Ventress (during a comic based on the micro version/continuity). Same Asajj was able to nearly defeat Mace Windu on planet Ruul (it was mentioned in the novel "Cestus Deception").
Asajj also defeated Kit Fisto (who in the article "starwars head to head" is labelled superior to Darth Maul.
Ki Adi endured severe training from 2 master's (Yoda & Anya Kuro the dark lady).

So beating Ki Adi Mundi is akin to beating a guy superior to darth maul (canon or legends).
Ki Adi was considered one of the top ten duelist's of the jedi order during TPM (The Phantom Menace). This was before the timeline/continuity was retconned (before 2020 Dooku was a jedi till 32 BBY after 2020 they made it so Dooku left before Qui Gon died).
The other nine duelists were most likely: "Yoda", "Dooku", "Mace Windu", "Anoon Bondara", "Qui Gon Jinn", "Adi Gallia", "Depa Billaba", "Saesee Tiin" & "Plo Koon".

Since Bondara was canon at the time & Cin Drallig had not been invented yet or was most likely not at his prime i decided to include him in this list. Especially since Bondara was praised as being "second to none"
Defeated a mercenary combat droid:
"One droid, FLTCH R-1 was dispatched by Representative Bron and Ephant Mon to assassinate Cerean Jedi Knight Ki-Adi-Mundi. Ki-Adi-Mundi defeated the droid and had it reprogrammed to work for him in hunting down Mon."
Last feat of Ki Adi Mundi;
Proof that "Ki-Adi-Mundi" was a high tier council member, stronger than Yoda/Mace.
{In the photo the two people beside's Mundi were Eeth Koth and Yoda}
The photo's from a dark horse comic book.
What Grievous did on Hypori can never be replicated by Maul in any situation. He did this while using only 2 sabers not full power at all.
MOST IMPORTANT THING/FACT; Grievous defeated them all when holding back, not only did he not use repulsor lift's, or a extra pair of arms, grievous also was never even close to his physical prime/peak here. The incident of Hypori occurred 32 months before ROTS, he had much room for improvement.

The likelihood of Grievous improving is greater as he was on the frontlines of war for the majority of it, always bettering himself.
Never undermine this great achievement.

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