Monday, April 24, 2023

Kit Fisto Respect Thread {2nd part}.

Part 0;
This post will provide the necessary details involving the power of Kit Fisto. The source's i will cover are CWA (clone war adventure comic's) & the ROTS Novel (his fight with Sidious is portrayed in an alternate way).
Part 1:
The first CWA comic involving Fisto is based on a underwater battle. He gained many victories their.
Note - Here Fisto broke through a window underwater just by entering into it. He also deflected a blaster bolt in very close proximity.

Note - Here Kit Fisto was able to sever a pistol and restrain himself against injuring the opponent. He did this while being in close vicinity of that opponent, he values the life of that opponent so he refuses to render them limb-less or disabled, definitely not dead.
Note: Was able to deflect bolts of energy with a blade & use his elbow as weapon, showing his combat skill in using his body itself as a weapon too.
Note; He had enough brute strength to squeeze a individual's throat or chin.
Note - Fisto used his force ability's to separate the beings that were attacking him underwater, he fought off what can be described as a tornado made of pink energy like being's.
Part 2 - Addressing Fisto's anti feats.
1st (his defeat against a prisoner);
It's a fact Kit Fisto was holding back against the prisoners, he did not desire to kill them as he knew the value of life, he was more easy going compared to Plo Koon.
If the people Fisto had been fighting with were sith or darksider's however (like Asajj/Sidious) then he would have tried to do anything in his power to gain victory.
{Here these photo's are proof that Fisto did not desire a homicide.}
Kit Fisto wanted to end this conflict without any bloodshed.
{This image's the final piece of evidence}
Clearly this comic had Fisto give his moral code greater importance, which led to him not fighting with full power. He prevented plo koon from taking a life.
2nd (his defeat against Durge):
Durge is even older than Yoda, hes over 2 thousand year's old in age.
Durge also proved his power against others, during the mission to queyta, three out of the four deceased jedi were killed by him only.
Durge also was capable alone (without any outsiders help) to defeat Obi Wan & Anakin together. Right before the battle of Boz pity, this occurred. Both jedi were willing to kill him so they were not holding back & it was after they had two and a half years of experience.
{Vs Anakin}
{vS Obi-wan-kenobi}

From what i have seen Durge himself had only two anti feat's in his career, one against Grievous the other against Obi Wan (in the battle of Muunilist).
The grievous one - though against a guy that was above mace windu in combat strength durge still had the help of Asajj yet failed.

The muunilist one - Durge's failure happened twice, first when he had armor then when he tried absorbing obi wan, he would have succeeded in killing obi wan during that part if the clones did not interfere.

I do believe if it was not for that two-necked/headed prisoner's aid then Kit Fisto would have died, he had even the help of Plo Koon, still Fisto was defeated however it's against a top class/high-tier enemy.

But here is the link - This link was needed so i could give a reference/source to the incident involving Durge's meeting with Kit Fisto. Their meeting indicates to me that they might have had a previous run in before this cause Fisto recognized him.
While being involved in a conversation Kit Fisto had enough mental focus to force push 2 people;
Survived an explosion.
Also was able to recover from flame thrower attack.
{Those images are proof.}

Kit Fisto seemed to have better durability than Mace Windu because of what happened in the Petranaki Arena;
Fisto could no sell a flamethrower but Mace Windu failed to do the same. Kit Fisto was also smiling the whole time during the Arena battle unlike Mace Windu who was frowning.
Kit Fisto in the novels (excluding "Cestus Deception").
ROTS (Revenge Of The Sith):
These are the picture's of his importance in them.
{Note} - It appears that Kit Fisto was able to keep up with the combat speed of both Darth Sidious and the plot armored/amped "Mace Windu" character.
Though he also fell down, before that their was not a single instance or moment where Windu was able to perform better than Kit Fisto did in this fight. Also Kit Fisto smiling indicates to me that he might have actually been holding back against Sidious.
Another reason why this could make sense is that Fisto would have a false sense of security and happiness being in a 2 vs 1 scenario. Even if that's not the case it made no sense for him to smile against Sidious when he never smiled against Asajj Ventress.

Lastly - During one spar duel between himself & Kenobi in "The Cesus Deception" fisto admitted that he was holding back and said he should have let himself go deeper into the ferocity of form 1 against a JK droid.
LOE (Labyrinth Of Evil);
The General grievous held kit fisto in the same tier of warriors that Mace Windu was in.
Note: I can only assume that Grievous was ignorant of the list of anti feats that mace windu had. Or maybe he considered both windu/fisto among the list of "individuals that are below Asajj Ventress who is also below himself."

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