Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Kit Fisto's achievements in Cestus Deception.

NOTE; you are done with the jk droid vs fisto (in coruscant) so ignore it now.
Intro - this post will provide all necessary detail's for the important achievements done by Kit Fisto. It can be considered a debating resource too for star wars fan's all around. It can also provide the true facts about Kit Fisto as a warrior so we can gauge him properly to see where he is at.
But it will be based on only one source, that is Cestus Deception (a Legend's Era Novel). I will not discuss Kit's appearances in other media like the movies, the micro series cartoon, or the comic based on the cartoon (Clone Wars Adventure's).
1st - Kit Fisto participated in a hundred battles besides Genosis, a couple after genosis, many more that are numerous/countless from before Genosis.
Note; This one image is from Page 14.
Note - he was very patient, studied for eight hour's.
Victory over the JK Droids.
Relevant - Why This's Impressive Can Be Described In A Post I've Linked.
It explains how OP the JK droids were as dangerous killers with proof.
Palpatine told Fisto the jk droids had been exclusively victorious in all battles before facing Kit.

Later on during page 63 of the book he admit's that he could have done much better and was restricting his own power against this JK Droid.
Other achievement's;
{Riding a speeder-bike}
[Organizing armies into proper formation]
{Carrying his own equipment & being familiar with other weapons like the LightWhip}
[Rattled the ear's of a clone trooper/officer even though he was 20 meter's distance away]
[Training the clones and other people in a technique/warm up called "Jedi Flow"]
[2 hour's of pure training without any rest]
[Blocked blaster bolt's at the speed of light.]
[He was an all rounder.]
{He was able to walk on his own 2 hand's instead of feet and when he landed from a fall he was able to do so with silence without making any type of noise, thus avoiding unwanted attention.}
Using his feet & fist's as a unarmed fighter without a light saber Kit was able to do this.
[Both image's are from Cestus Deception page 340.]
His duels with Obi Wan Kenobi.
THAT APPEAR'S TO BE the unfortunate ending to their spar matches, the last one (where Kit used a LightWhip) was a play/act done by both jedi to spread a misunderstanding among all witnesses of their duel.
[E] - elaborating on the above;
A) While holding back and restraining his own power (Kit gave himself disadvantage's on purpose) Kit was able to dominate Obi Wan Kenobi & win the sword clash. Going on for longer than two hour's yet still Kit Fisto did not tire out, his stamina was legendary.
B) Kit Fisto while thinking about something else (He hissed at himself "hiss" is a word that mean's disapproval) was able to keep up with obi-wan's lightsaber moves, he decided to end the spar/duel in it's middle instead of going on.

C) Nothing much about this image other than the fact Fisto was capable with unorthodox weapon's that are very rare (cause they are not used often).
D) The duel ended, but Fisto's attacks were described as being extremely fierce and quick. Their was no result for it.
Kit Fisto demonstrated how he's an all-rounder:
He was also trying to hold back "he tried to avoid lethal manuevers".
His condition before losing to Asajj Ventress:
Source Page's 339 & 341.
Note: 2 words "harried" and "Singe" both involve violence. Harried is a synonym for harassed/fatigued & singe is another term for scorch/burning, so Kit Fisto was not at his peak during that period of time (he would improve as the war goes on till ROTS) due to being involved in many conflict's prior.
What is shown of his fight with Asajj;
[act one]
[act 2]
[act 3]
Why him losing against her is not a anti feat or a lowball, or a reason to degrade his capability.
Reason 1 - Kit Fisto clearly had been injured prior to the battle already (note the word "singe" in page 339 and "harried" in page 341).
Reason 2 - Asajj Ventress began her fight against Kit fresh without any prior conflict, she could still have won fairly if the circumstance's had been different but it would be much more difficult for her.

Reason 3 - Asajj Ventress demonstrated that she's superior to all the underling's of Dooku in legends excluding Qymaen Jai Sheelal (general Grievous). Asajj even proved to be on Mace windu's tier as a warrior, demonstrated when she injured him early on in the war. She was also very knowledgeable in sith spells, though she did not use any against Kit Fisto.
Lastly - Mace Windu, Darth Vader and Darth Maul each got multiple anti feats, but still they get overrated by the star wars fanbase all the time.
I would rather be defeated by asajj ventress than get my butt handed to me or tackled by a Rhino (the same animal who padawan Anakin from AOTC was able to tame yet it beat Mace Windu knocking him down totally).
Obi Wan's Duel With Asajj In The Same Novel is often misrepresented by biased fan's during internet discussions:
What I believe:
1 - Asajj's muscles and arms would be abit strained/tired or exerted after encountering Kit Fisto.

2 - Obi Wan Kenobi would've had an easier time dealing with asajj due to having fought asajj many times in the war already (Queyta, Ohma Dun are two of the place's they fought eachother).

3 - Asajj was overconfident with confronting Obi Wan so she lured herself into a false sense of security overextending herself. Becoming vulnerable.

4 - Being from a planet based entirely of land (rattatak) asajj was not proficient in fighting underwater, so when kit fisto interfered (he cut a object of the dock which aided the floor beneath ventress and kenobi's feet) forcing both opponent's (kenobi ventress) underwater then the situation of asajj ventress just became even worser. It was not very fair for her.
{She also admitted that Dooku gave an order of sparing Kenobi}.

It's possible when she claimed that she'd kill him any way she was just trying to frighten him.
Asajj Ventress beat him without needing to use her Pyrokinesis (force fire/flame) ability, she also never used it on Kenobi but she did try to use it on clones & the space-ship's of anakin at Yavin Prime (in the micro series cartoon).
Will be about Kit Fisto as a warrior in all other media, including ROTS, the CWA (comic), the Dark Horse Comic's & the Micro Series Cartoon. Ignoring TCW (television show) itself though.

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