Monday, October 31, 2022

Why Seto Kaiba is a weak duelist (part 1).

Whether it be filler, anime or manga it does not change the end result.
In the anime of Yu-Gi-Oh! Kaiba was better than he was in the manga from a pure dueling perspective. But still he sucks and is the most overrated duelist of this franchise (be side's Atem).
Misconception 1 - "he was better than Noah"
Debunk arrives.
Noah could have won without any deceptive tactic/turning mokuba into his shield.
Noah did not show any flaws in his dueling tactic, but Seto did.
Misconception 2 - "Kaiba would have won with last turn if he used twilight zone dragon instead of Blue Eye's White Dragon"
Debunk: That is false because Twilight Zone Dragon had already been used as a tribute by Kaiba for summoning BEWD, so no kaiba would not have won & he couldn't have used that card.
[Jonouchi/Yugi admitted that Kaiba is being dominated by Noah]
Misconception #3 - that kaiba would beat noah if mokuba was not guarding him.
Debunk - the truth is that bad writing is what protected the reputation of kaiba & that noah is the better duelist, he won fair & square, the plot get's in the way of his win being perfect.

In episode 115 Noah would have created a impenetrable barrier, if he choose to summon "Vampire Lord" from his deck master (Shinato's Ark) instead of the two monsters (giant rex, soldier of stone) then he would not have been in a position where Seto might have won. Cause twin headed thunder dragon would only deal 1300 damage (naoh's Lp is 100 higher than that) leaving Noah with enough life to last in the duel, while kaiba's other monster (twilight zone dragon) only has 1400 atk not enough to scratch the 1500 def of vampire lord.
[Kaiba admitting Noah's strength during that episode.]
Misconception 4 - "kaiba defeated a former main villain like Pegasus"
Kaiba did not defeat Pegasus J Crawford in the movie (Pyramid Of Light) either. I can explain, everything made no sense as "cost down" (used by pegasus) was supposed to lower only 1 monsters level by 2 NOT all monster cards in the players hand. Another mistake (retcon/goof) made by the writer's of that duel is that after Kaiba destroyed Toon World (a spell) their were still 3 monsters on Pegasus's field (Toon summoned skull, toon BEWD, toon black magician girl). So Pegasus getting hit with a direct attack makes no sense, him losing here made no sense since their were still monsters on his field.
I've seen the movie in Subbed & dubbed, its all the same BS writing to make kaiba look better (as everyone knows he ranks below the main characters Atem, Yugi & won't be winning against the villain). Pegasus appeared to be toying around the whole time too, not even using his ace monsters (Relinquished, Thousand Eyes Restrict, Jigen Bakudan).
Imagine if he used Jigen Bakudan in conjuction with Relinquished while Relinquished was equipped with "Z Y Z Dragon Cannon"?
People who bring up "toon world being destroyed means all toons are destroyed" my reply to them will be underneath this text:
That also makes no sense as Pegasus created the game along with all it's cards. Why would he create a flaw in a card he himself uses? If that is the case then this means that Kaibas victory is overrated as the opponent was not impressive, so kaiba fans are wrong to even brag about it.
Second of all it would make more sense if after toon worlds removal the monsters that were on his field just went to their normal state losing the word "toon" in their title's.
Misconception number 5 - "kaiba is a genius and mastermind/prodigy"
Debunk; i do not agree at all, and i have actual evidence to back up my claim's.
First of all kaiba is so dull that he would accept a challenge for any game that their is;
[From "Yu-Gi-OhEpisode 43"]
This led to him getting entrapped/stuck in a video game software program, while his real life body is vulnerable as its stuck in a capsule without his consciousness/brain getting any sort of activity.
2nd reason of why kaiba is not smart or a genius would have to be this below.
{From "Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Episode 129"}
Kaiba told himself these things yet he ignored that he was not always a victor/victorious in each situation he was stuck in.
L's for Kaiba before this duel;
1) losing birth parents in early childhood.
2) getting forced to study tirelessly by Gozaburo.
3) being deprived of access to any game cause Gozaburo wanted him to alter his ambition.
4) when atem defeated him the first time (in the manga) kaiba ended up in a penalty game.
5) during Death T (first episode of DM anime) where Seto clearly lost again.
6) in pegasus's island everyone knows that Pegasus J Crawford beat him. Seto lost his soul, body & Mokuba too.
7) The guy known as "Hell Djinn Satan" (winny fantom in the 'DUB') captured Seto pretty quickly.
8) He also could not even save Mokuba from the 5 godragon.
Yet people call him "the coolest character" or "the best character of yugioh".

9) in Noah's arc not only was kaiba's tournament sabotaged, he also was unable to win against Noah when it came to a mere card game/duel.
Kaiba also failed to stop Noah from pulling his blimp where ever he wanted it too, being coerced into listening to a dead child as he was being threatened by him. So Kaiba's opinion is just proven to be even more incorrect.
                                                        {Admitting that Noah is talented}

Intellectually he also failed as Kaiba's tournament had multiple uninvited guests beside's the ghouls. They were "Ishizu" "Bakura" two people kaiba's computer didn't recognize as having any official duels or competing in tournaments in the past.
So he was ignorant on both of their deck sizes. An official duel is one that happened while cameras were recording, yet 2 individuals without that were able to make it far enough to be quarter finalist's in his battle city tournament.
3rd Reason on "why kaiba is not intelligent or a genius";
In Pyramid Of Light he forgot how "the god of the obelisk" card had a special effect raising it's ATK to infinite.
After that effect was calculated Seto still tried attacking it with BEUD, knowing its eventual result is going to be a failure.
Misconception 6 - "the duel between atem and kaiba in battle city was more challenging than the one between Dark Malik & Atem right after".

Kaiba was on the receiving end being pushed back for the entirety of it until after both gods cards were sent to the GY.
Before that the field was in Atem's control, he also had more card's in his hand & greater LP. Kaiba wasted 2 thousand Life points (LP) in using "Heavenly Voice of Obedience" & "Enemy Controller" and getting nothing in return out of it.
He is a poor businessman/duelist when he does a investment like that, losing half of his life right off the bat, gozaburo would be ashamed of such an heir.

Compared to Seto it was Malik that had an actual LP regeneration tactic, and gave the pharaoh a much harder/tougher time. Malik was handicapped by the fact that Atem had 2 god card's & the special all powerful spell "devil sanctuary" designed just to counter "Sun Dragon Ra" still Malik outplays Atem in every possible way.

Even Seto's "life shaver" tactic worked in atems favor as it put "black magician" in his gy making it much easier to special summon.
All kaiba ever did was delay his loss. He is no duel king, he lost to an amateur like Atem.
{Images above the text}
This is clear evidence in my favor (from DM Episode 132).
DONE WITH THIS for now, it'll be continued in a part two;

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